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LIVE with Camilla: why everyone should try volunteering

unica radio
Unica Radio Podcast
LIVE with Camilla: why everyone should try volunteering

We talked with Camilla Melis who is a 24-year-old student from Sardinia, Italy.

Camilla Melis is a 24-year-old student from Sardinia, Italy. Currently, she is doing her Master’s in Siena on International Relations with a focus on European Studies. She is very passionate about different cultures, languages and environmental matters, an interest that she fulfills with volunteering activities.

Camilla had her first experience abroad when she was 16 years old in the United States, in the State of Ohio, where she lived with a local host family and went to a High School there for a full year. She describes her first impressions of it as everything was a bit like in the movies, including school dances and yellow buses. This experience made her look forward to more exchanges and programs abroad.

She had experience in different job fields as well.

Through her experiences in different countries during her Bachelor’s years, Camilla also worked as an Au Pair in Spain. She had the opportunity to work at Disneyland in Paris as well, where she also improved her language skills. Afterwards, she did her first Erasmus+ studying in Seville and did an Erasmus Internship in Bucharest. She was also brave enough to do the internship outside the European Union, as she went to Peru, South America. Camilla affirms that it was one of the best experiences she had because of the internship itself. There were completely different culture she had the opportunity to discover.

After travelling a lot, at the beginning of her Master’s, Camilla promised herself not to fall into Erasmus’s trap again. After a year she was again on her way seeking new adventures and travelling around.

Camilla points out that there are a lot of pros and cons of living abroad to study, volunteer or do an internship, but in the end, it is definitely worth it. This kind of opportunity can give you a lot – starting from new experience, knowledge, and skills and ending with learning a lot about yourself and becoming more independent. 

These experiences abroad even influenced her studies, as throughout the journey she understood the importance of European citizenship and how lucky we are to live here and have so many opportunities. 

About Liva Elizabete Liepina

I am a student from Latvia. Currently doing a long-term volunteering program in Cagliari which is part of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC). For the ESC project "LIVE" of TDM 2000 I take care of social media accounts to promote and raise awareness about volunteering and human rights. Love adventures and nature.

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